My Qualifications
Why I’m Qualified to Represent You.
I’m running because I believe I have a unique blend of skill sets that will help the Board of Education work smarter, more effectively and more focused on the community. Here’s how:
I’m a consensus builder.
As a strategic planner, I’ve spent my career bringing together folks of different backgrounds, talents, perspectives and to set shared goals. I help organizations create strategic actions, and set measurements for success.
In 2023, I led PUSD to develop its 5-year strategic plan, which has helped the Board of Education and District staff get aligned on short term priorities. In that process, I developed a productive working relationship with each of the board members, learning how to leverage each member’s strengths to build consensus to move forward. This will serve me well as I join them on the dais, helping me get up to working speed faster than most newly elected members.
I’m a strategic thinker and problem solver.
As a parent advocate and as a professional consultant, I’ve been involved at every level of the District, facilitating productive conversations of District staff and Board members. I’ve led research programs into the District’s culture and climate, and I know where our biggest challenges lie and where we can drive opportunities to improve how our District and our schools operate.
As an ethnographer, I actively listen and engage people in meaningful conversations to extract meaningful insights that generate actions.
I am adept at setting priorities, and I’m skilled at helping organizations like PUSD measure success and attain outcomes.
I live and breathe PUSD.
As a PUSD parent, I’ve volunteered countless hours advocating for PUSD children, including serving as a school site council leader. I’ve led Parent-Teacher Associations at school sites, district-wide and across the region to promote communities with their local schools to improve the lives of all children and their families. I currently serve as chair of the Local Control Accountability Plan Parent Advisory Committee which advises PUSD on focus areas and actions to improve student outcomes. In this work, I’ve developed lasting relationships to get big things done across our community.
Outside of PUSD, I’ve served on the Bungalow Heaven Neighborhood Association board and directed its Annual Home Tour, a nationally-recognized historic preservation event that draws in visitors across the region and beyond. I’ve served as a neighborhood block captain working with local city council and emergency responders to ensure our communities are safe and protected.
I’m an excellent communicator.
Public school works best when it's a conversation between those who promise their children a better tomorrow and those we entrust to deliver on that promise.
I thrive in making complex problems understandable and relatable. As a Board member, I’ll build and maintain bridges with my constituents, explaining in plain language the challenges facing the District, strengthening the bond my community has with its schools.